Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 36


• Many marked crosswalks are low-visibility ( two parallel stripes ) and many of those are faded .
• Some high volume intersections are not signalized and do not have controlled pedestrian crossings .
• A majority of the existing medians are not paved or accessible and will require upgrading to be utilized as a pedestrian refuge area .
• In-roadway , mid-block pedestrian crossing signs are lacking and would be useful , especially around heavy pedestrian activity such as downtown intersections and schools .
• Pedestrians were often seen crossing roads not in the designated crosswalk .
Intersection Inventory Tables
• See Appendix F for the complete inventory of pedestrian conditions at intersections .
2.3 Bicycle Conditions ( Map 2.3 )
The City of Arlington is currently not bicycle-friendly . The City has begun taking steps to improve conditions with the development of an off-street trails system . However , the majority of roads in the City pose numerous dangers to bicyclists as they travel to and from destinations . Hazardous conditions exist along these types of corridors , including :
Below : The existing portions of the regional trail system and existing bicycle lanes provide a strong starting point for the future bicycle network .
• Commercial corridors that are designed solely for motorized transportation
• Multiple-lane high-speed roadways
• Narrow roadways with little or no shoulders
• Dangerous railroad and driveway crossings
Furthermore , it was observed that few bicyclists wear helmets while riding and often ride in the wrong direction .
Strengths of Existing Bicycle System
• The off-street trail system features paved , multi-use paths that provides a great transportation and recreation corridor . Many roadway crossings are below-grade keeping bicycle and pedestrian traffic completely separated from vehicular roadway traffic .
2-6 | Chapter 2 : Current Conditions