Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 313


K . Bicycle Refuge Islands
Refuge islands should be used when high volumes of roadway traffic and / or speeds create unacceptable conditions for path users or when roadway widths are excessive , given the available crossing time . Refuge islands are used by a number of people who cross a intersection more slowly such as elderly , school children , and people with disabilities .
Refuge areas should be large enough to accommodate large groups of pedestrians and bicyclists . Adequate space should be provided so that bicyclists do not feel threatened by passing motorists while waiting to finish the intersection crossing . ( Figure 7.52.30 ) Refer to pedestrian facilities section for more information regarding median refuge islands .
Design Criteria :
• Minimum width of median refuge island for bicyclists is 8 feet .
• Provide pavement striping and signage in accordance to City of Arlington Design Criteria Manual , AASHTO , and MUTCD design standards .
• Refer to 8.13 Appendix , City of Arlington ’ s Design Criteria Manual for design specification for creating refuge areas .
• Provide low-level landscape material in medians to maintain motorists and bicyclists sight visibility .
• Provide adequate roadway lighting .
Figure 7.52.30 . Typical detail for refuge island and pavement markings .
7-44 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines