Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 245


additional , new issues and ideas such as riding on the sidewalk and motorist harassment of bicyclists . Numerous cities ( Austin , TX , Fort Worth , TX , Columbia , MO , and Portland , OR ) were researched to support the following recommended ordinance :
City of Arlington Bicycle Parking Ordinance
Purpose :
Bicycle parking encourages shoppers , customers , employees , messengers , and other visitors to use bicycles by providing a convenient and readily accessible place to park bicycles . Bicycle parking should serve the main entrance of a building or other facilities like pools , parks , etc ., and should be visible to pedestrians and bicyclists .
Location :
• Bike rack placement should not obstruct pedestrian or wheelchair movement along sidewalk , at bus stops , or at corners .
• Where possible , bike racks shall be located in well-lighted and highly visible areas in order to minimize theft and vandalism .
• Bicycle parking should be clearly marked as such .
• Avoid installation of bicycle racks inside designated loading / unloading , passenger , and pedestrian zones .
• For schools , retail , public buildings , and commercial uses it is recommended that half of the bicycle parking spaces be provided as long term parking , safe and secure from vandalism and theft , and protected from the elements .
• Bicycle racks should be at the same grade as the sidewalk or at a location that can be reached by an accessible route .
• Bicycle racks should be within 50 feet of the main entrance to the building as measured along the most direct pedestrian access route , for a building with more than one main entrance , bicycle racks should be placed at each main entrance .
• If the bicycle parking is more than 50 feet from a main entrance , it should be in a central location preferably along a pedestrian route .
• When a bike is parked at a rack there should be no less than 2 feet from the curb and 30 inches from any permanent object to allow for adequate maneuvering space for the bicyclist and for motorists accessing parked vehicles .
• There should be a desirable minimum of 6 feet or an absolute minimum of 4 feet for a clear pedestrian zone .
• There should be at least 2 feet of clearance beside each parked bicycle when installing multiple racks .
• Places of employment shall install bicycle parking inside the building structure for employees equivalent to the number of bicycle racks required outside the building structure .
• See drawings for more detail
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-15