Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 233

City of Arlington Hike & Bike Policy Analysis ( continued )
Source Reference Existing Text Suggested Change Notes
Zoning Ordinance
Entire Zoning Ordinance
[ Change ]: Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 ’ in width .
In accordance
with ADA
Zoning Ordinance
Article 7 : Residential Zoning Districts
[ Add Language Throughout Article ]: Regardless of district classification , the design and construction of streets and intersections in the City of Arlington should aim to serve all types of users , including pedestrians , bicyclists , and motorists , and should be inclusive of all levels of ability , such as those in wheelchairs , the elderly and the young .
Zoning Ordinance
Article 8 : Non Residential Zoning Districts
[ Add Language Throughout Article ]: Regardless of district classification , the design and construction of streets and intersections in the City of Arlington should aim to serve all types of users , including pedestrians , bicyclists , and motorists , and should be inclusive of all levels of ability , such as those in wheelchairs , the elderly and the young .
Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance
Article 9 : Special Purpose Districts Section 9-300 Planned Development Districts
Article 15 : Off Street NA Parking and Loading Requirements
Pedestrian Walkways : The [ Add ]: Providing adequate facilities for all types of traffic , subdivision design including motorists , pedestrians , bicyclists , and transit should provide for pedestrian users , and including all levels of ability , such as those in activity . Sidewalks , crosswalks , wheelchairs , the elderly and the young . trails , and bridges should be provided to separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic . Trails and walkways should be provided in various open space areas connecting to other neighborhoods and community centers .
[ Add ]: Add requirements for pedestrian circulation In accordance in parking lots . Automobile , pedestrian , and bicycle with ADA circulation within , to , and from the site , including standards proposed points of access and egress and proposed pattern of internal circulation . Provide for all types of traffic , including motorists , pedestrians , bicyclists , and transit users , and including of all levels of ability , such as those in wheelchairs , the elderly and the young . Parking lots shall be designed to allow pedestrians to safely move from their vehicles to the building . On small lots ( 36 spaces or less ), this may be achieved by providing a sidewalk at the perimeter of the lot . On larger lots , corridors within the parking area should channel pedestrians from the car to the perimeter of the lot or to the building . These corridors are delineated by a paving material that differs from that of vehicular areas and are planted to provide shade . Small posts or bollards may be included .
Zoning Ordinance
Article 15 : Off Street NA Parking and Loading Requirements
Consider adding requirements that parking lots be orientated at the rear or sides of buildings and the buildings be brought closer to the sidewalk and street .
For good examples of this see the City of Davidson , NC and the City of Belmont , NC zoning regulations on parking lots .
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-3