Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 231


C . Hike & Bike POLICIES

Chapter Contents C . 0 Overview
C . 1 Local Policies ( City of Arlington )
C . 2 Draft Arlington Comprehensive Plan Draft ( 2010 )
C . 3 Bicycle Ordinance ( standalone ordinance )
C . 4 Bicycle Parking Ordinance
C . 5 Existing Federal and State Policies
C . 6 Complete Streets Policy
C . 0 Overview
Federal , state , regional , and local policies influence and drive future planning , design , and development . Policies are established in the Arlington Code of Ordinances , Zoning Ordinance , Subdivision Rules and Regulations , Design Criteria Manual , and Comprehensive Plan . The purpose of this task is to evaluate existing local policies , codes , and ordinances to determine how these documents support biking and walking . There are opportunities for existing policies in these documents to be strengthened to improve accommodations and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians .
Sections C-1 and C-2 of this chapter provide suggestions for policy enhancements that the City may want to consider . Section C-3 presents a standalone bicycle ordinance that could be used to amend existing City of Arlington bicycle ordinance text . Section C-4 presents a sample bicycle parking ordinance for consideration . Section C-5 describes the growing national trend of Complete Streets policy that the City of Arlington should consider emulating . Section C-6 describes existing policies at the national , state , and regional levels .
C . 1 Local Policies ( City of Arlington )
An analysis of the Zoning Ordinance , Subdivision Rules and Regulations , Code of Ordinances , Design Criteria Manual , and the Comprehensive Plan was conducted during this planning process . These are the guiding documents for development in the City of Arlington . There is significant room for improvement for requirements and design standards . The City should consider modifying local ordinances to provide a balanced approach to both on and off-street bicycling and walking , ensuring a stronger connection between land use and transportation , especially bicycle and pedestrian travel .
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-1