to active living and alternative transportation . Communities across the United States and throughout the world are implementing strategies for serving the hiking and biking needs of their residents , and have been doing so for many years . They do this because of their obligations to promote health , safety and welfare , and also because of the growing awareness of the many benefits of bicycling .
“ The CDC determined that creating and improving places to be active could result in a 25 percent increase in the number of people who exercise at least three times a week .”
-U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A new residential development advertises the “ Last Greenway Sites Available ”
Increased Health and Physical Activity A growing number of studies show that the design of our communities — including neighborhoods , towns , transportation systems , parks , trails and other public recreational facilities — affects people ’ s ability to reach the recommended daily 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity ( 60 minutes for youth ). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), “ physical inactivity causes numerous physical and mental health problems , is responsible for an estimated 200,000 deaths per year , and contributes to the obesity epidemic .” 1 The increased rate of disease associated with inactivity reduces quality of life for individuals and increases medical costs for families , companies , and local governments .
The CDC determined that creating and improving places to be active could result in a 25 percent increase in the number of people who exercise at least three times a week . 2 This is significant considering that for people who are inactive , even small increases in physical activity can bring measurable health benefits . Establishing a safe and reliable hike and bike network in Arlington will positively impact the health of local residents . The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy puts it simply : “ Individuals must choose to exercise , but communities can make that choice easier .” 3
Economic Benefits Bicycling is an affordable form of transportation . According to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center ( PBIC ), of Chapel Hill , NC , the cost of operating a bicycle for a year is approximately $ 120 , compared to $ 7,800 for operating a car over the same time period . 4 Bicycling becomes even more attractive from an economic standpoint when the rising price of oil ( and decreasing availability ) is factored into the equation . Since 2000 , oil prices have more than quadrupled . As of summer 2008 , gasoline prices topped $ 4 a gallon and are generally forecasted to continue to increase . 5 The rising cost of fuel reinforces the idea that local communities should be built to accommodate people-powered transportation , such as walking and biking .
From a real estate standpoint , consider the positive impact of trails and greenways , which are essential components of a complete hike and bike network . According to a 2002 survey of recent homebuyers by the National Association of Home Realtors and the
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