Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 225

environment . Efforts can be made to encourage people to help the environment by bicycling to destinations and staying out of their automobiles . This provides an excellent opportunity to educate people of all ages in Arlington .
Use Facilities to Promote Other Causes Hike and bike facilities could be used for events that promote other causes , such as health awareness . Not only does the event raise money / publicity for a specific cause , but it encourages and promotes healthy living and an active lifestyle , while raising awareness for bicycling and walking activities . Non-profit organizations sponsor existing events that could easily be hosted , including :
• American Diabetes Association ’ s Tour de Cure - a series of cycling events held in more than 80 cities nationwide .
• American Cancer Society ’ s Relay for Life - a national and international all-night team walk to celebrate cancer survivors and raise money for cancer research .
• Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ’ s Light the Night Walk - a walk held to raise awareness of blood related cancers and money for research to find a cure for such diseases .
Bicycle and Pedestrian Activities / Promotion within Local Organizations Arlington has numerous organizations that could be utilized to promote bicycling and walking activities ( e . g . the local bicycle stores , local cycling groups , local schools / PTAs , neighborhood groups , homeowners associations , etc ). Education , enforcement , and encouragement programs can be advertised and discussed in local organization newsletters , seminars , and meetings . Such organizations could even organize and crosspromote their own group rides , trail clean-ups , and other activities listed in this section .
Cycling Clubs / Bicycle-Commuting Groups A number of bicycle clubs exist throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington region . Neighborhoods , local groups , or businesses could promote cycling clubs for local residents or employees to meet at a designated area and exercise on certain days before or after work ( or even to work ), during lunch breaks , or anytime that works for the group . This informal group could be advertised on local bulletin or information boards . These clubs could be specialized to attract different interest groups . Clubs and bicycle shops provide opportunities for group rides . These rides should be promoted by the City of Arlington and the HBAC , reaching out to bicyclists of all abilities .
Art in the Landscape The inclusion of art along greenway corridors and trails would expand upon Arlington ’ s culture of public art , while encouraging the use of facilities and provide a place for artwork and healthy expression to occur . Artwork could be displayed in a variety of ways and through an assortment of materials . Living artwork could be “ painted ” through the design and planting of various plant materials . Sculpture gardens could be arranged as an outdoor museum . Art through movement and expression could be displayed during certain hours during the day or during seasonal events .
Appendix B : Programs & Resources | B-7