Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 209

12 . What factors discourage walking ? Select all that apply .
Response Percent
Response Count
Lack of sidewalks and trails 86.1 % 366
Lack of crosswalks at traffic signals
36.9 % 157
Lack of pedestrian signals at intersections
35.3 % 150
Automobile traffic and speed 72.9 % 310
Pedestrian unfriendly streets and land uses
72.9 % 310
Lack of interest 6.8 % 29
Lack of time 12.5 % 53
Aggressive motorist behavior 57.4 % 244
Sidewalks in need of repair 47.3 % 201
Lack of nearby destinations 29.9 % 127
Criminal activity 23.8 % 101
Level of street lighting 32.0 % 136
Lack of landscaping and / or buffer between sidewalks and road
40.9 % 174
Other ( please specify ) 37
answered question 425
skipped question 33
Appendix A : Public Input | A-9