Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 193


I .
On-Street Parking
On-street parking creates the perception of a narrow street , especially if parking occurs on both sides . On street parking also buffers pedestrians from vehicle traffic . Additional space should be provided for the nearest travel lane to the parking to prevent conflict with bicyclists and doors from parked vehicles ( Figure 7.9.28 ).
Design Criteria :
• Refer to City Arlington Development Standards for angled and parallel parking design standards .
• Provide a minimum 4 foot wide door zone adjacent to the bike lane , if parallel parking is provided .
• Provide bulb extensions at intersection to allow visibility of pedestrians by motorists .
• Require adequate signage and lighting to increase visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists .
• Provide appropriate pavement signage and markings to identify use of bike lanes , door zone , and parallel parking .
• Provide adequate lane width for large vehicle turning movements .
• Landscape plantings should not obscure the driver ’ s view of traffic . Refer to the City of Arlington ’ s Design Criteria Manual for clear zone requirements .
Figure 7.9.28 . On-street parking slows down traffic .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-87