Chapter Contents
1.0 Introduction To The Hike & Bike Plan
1.1 Vision Statements 1.2 Measurable Goals 1.3 The Planning Process
1.4 The Value of the Hike & Bike System
1.5 Plan Components
1.0 Introduction To The Hike & Bike Plan
In the winter of 2009 / 2010 , the City of Arlington began developing a citywide comprehensive Hike and Bike System Master Plan . This would be the first such Plan for the City of Arlington in its history . Nationally , such issues as rising gas prices , environmental concerns , and a growing interest in health and wellness are demonstrating the need for hike and bike-friendly cities . On a local level , this Hike and Bike Plan represents a strong City commitment to take on such issues , translating them into affordable personal mobility , carbonfree transportation , and healthy , active lifestyles for Arlington residents . The chief goal of this Plan is to create an integrated , seamless transportation framework to facilitate hiking and biking as viable transportation alternatives throughout Arlington .
The development of this Plan included an open , participatory process , with residents of Arlington providing input through public workshops , volunteer activities , stakeholder meetings , the project Steering Committee , and an online comment form .
This Plan contains recommendations that are meant to guide Arlington as it develops its hike and bike system . These are not requirements , but should be used to assist the City as it makes decisions related to hike and bike programs , policies and facilities .
This Plan features :
• A thorough analysis of current conditions for hiking and biking in Arlington
• A comprehensive recommended hike and bike network
• Standards and guidelines for the development of a hike and bike system
• Recommendations on how to integrate hike and bike policy into codes and ordinances
• Recommendations for programming , maintenance , and funding
Chapter 1 : Introduction | 1-1