Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 189


F . Colored Bike Lanes
Colored bike lanes are an effective method to provide greater visibility and alert motorists of bicyclists on a busy road . Provide colored pavement for bike lanes where there is a higher probability of conflict . They are used to guide bicyclists through major vehicle / bicycle conflict points , especially at locations where the volume of conflicting vehicle traffic is high and where the vehicle / bicycle conflict area is long . Examples of such locations include freeway on and off ramps , where motorists move into a right turn pocket . In the United States , cities such as Portland and Seattle have experimented with colored bike lanes and supportive signage favorably ( Figures 7.9.16 to 7.9.18 ).
Design Criteria :
• Provide colored concrete , colored seal coat , or colored dyes that can be incorporated in concrete and / or asphalt to provide colored pavement markings .
• For bike lanes use the color green ; blue pavement markings are reserved for handicap uses .
• Colored bike lanes to be used at critical points of conflict between motorists and bicycle users .
• Colored bike lanes must be restored after construction with the same preconstruction color and treatment type .
Figure 7.9.17 . Example of colored bike lanes .
• Painting or colored additives applied to the pavement material are preferred over thermoplastic striping to reduce slick surface .
• When possible , minimize points of bicyclist and vehicular conflict .
• Use color pavement markings sparingly so that when they are used they have a greater impact .
Figure 7.9.18 Colored bike lane at exit ramp / side street . ( above )
Figure 7.9.16 Colored bike lane at right turn lane .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-83