Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 182


Developing traffic calming devices throughout the transportation network will help to increase area-wide safety and traffic management . Well-designed traffic calming devices can effectively reduce traffic speeds and volumes , while maintaining local access to neighborhoods . A few of the benefits of traffic calming for bicycling and walking , especially along local streets , include :
• Reduced traffic speed allows bicyclists and pedestrians to safely share the road .
• Treatments , such as improved crossings , enhance the pedestrian environment .
• Traffic calming allows all ages and abilities to use the streets either for walking or biking .
A . Traffic Circles and Roundabouts
• Traffic circles and roundabouts allow bicyclists to maneuver through the intersection in a safe manner . They also slow motor vehicles to a desired speed ( Figures 7.9.1 through 7.9.4 ).
• They may reduce points of conflict between pedestrians and motor vehicles .
Design Criteria :
• Terminate bike lanes before roundabout entrances to allow bicyclists to merge with motor vehicles or allow bicyclists to enter sidewalk .
• Provide adequate radius , offset distance , circle diameter , opening width , and turning for vehicular speeds .
• Provide a refuge to allow safe crossing of travel lanes .
• Maintain and avoid blocking motorist and pedestrian sight lines with landscape enhancements in the roundabouts .
• Provide landscape , lighting , and signage improvements in center of traffic circle or roundabouts .
• Provide mountable curbs at the perimeter of the traffic circle to allow large vehicles , including emergency vehicles , to drive over the edge of the circle , if needed .
Figure 7.9.2 The roundabout at Road to Six Flags and Nolan Ryan Expressway is a pedestrian and bicycle friendly traffic calming device .
Figure 7.9.1 Example of a roundabout .
7-76 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines