Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 168


7.6.4 Trailheads And Support Facilities
There are different sizes of trailhead facilities . Minor trailheads are smaller and simpler in character and offer pedestrians and bicycle entrances in parks and residential communities . Major trailheads should be located near commercial developments and transportation nodes , making them highly accessible to the overall community ( Figures 7.64.1 and 7.64.2 ).
Design Criteria for Minor Trailheads
• Adequate Parking
• Drinking Fountains
• Benches
• Bicycle Racks
• Trash Receptacles
• Information Kiosk
• Signage , including location maps , directional , mileage , emergency , and navigational information .
• Bicycle Racks
• Trash Receptacles
• Information Kiosk
• Signage includes information in minor trailhead facilities plus points of interest and education .
• Restrooms
• Shelters
• Picnic Areas
• Bicycle Rental & Storage Facilities
• Air Compressors
• Emergency Phone Services
Design Criteria for Major Trailheads
• Adequate Parking
• Drinking Fountains
• Benches Figure 7.64.1 . Example of trailhead
Figure 7.64.2 . Example of trailhead .
7-62 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines