Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 160

buffer set-back requirements when designing multi-purpose paths and trails adjacent to wetlands , creeks , and waterways .
• Provide native landscaping to enhance wildlife and protect natural landscape along trail corridors in areas to be revegetated . Avoid using harmful pesticides and planting invasive plant material .
• When designing a paved trail or path seek a soil engineer evaluation and a geotechnical report of existing site soil conditions to determine final recommendations of trail pavement design .
• Provide a 10-foot shoulder minimum adjacent to waterways , ditches , and steep slopes .
• Elevated structures should be provided when slopes or environmental conditions warrant .
• Provide rest and pull off areas on steep slopes .
• Provide secondary access to canoeing , kayaking and tubing when adjacent to navigable waterways .
• Along with the multi-purpose paths and trails provide the opportunity for designated picnic and seating areas .
Concrete vs . Asphalt Comparison .
Initially , asphalt is cheaper than concrete , but over a life cycle , concrete is considered to have better value . Concrete has a longer service life of roughly 40 years while asphalt ’ s life span is roughly 10-20 years . Concrete does not require as much maintenance ( sealing for example ) as asphalt requires over a life span . The climate of Texas can cause asphalt to become soft in the hot sun and therefore susceptible to ruts . Installation costs for concrete and asphalt surface projects are not significantly different . Varying reports suggest a life span savings of around 20 % with the use of concrete . Refer to Chapter 4 of the City of Arlington ’ s Design Criteria Manual for paving requirements for public and private streets .
Floodway Trails
Floodway trails are typically located within the floodway , where an undisturbed vegetative buffer is located between the stream and trail . Refer to City of Arlington and State Requirements regarding stream buffer setbacks . Floodway trails should be designed to handle periodic flooding . Hard paved concrete or asphalt surfaces are required depending on the frequency of the flooding and expected velocity of flow . The installation of site furnishings should be considered and studied to not obstruct the creek flow during storm events and be selected to withstand periodic flooding . Floodway trails should follow the design criteria outlined under the multi-use trail section . Refer to local , state , and federal requirements regarding stream buffer setbacks ( Figure 7.62.6 ).
Floodplain Trails
Floodplain trails are typically outside the floodway and within the floodplain , where a large undisturbed vegetative buffer is located between the stream and trail . Refer to local , state , and federal requirements regarding stream buffer setbacks . Floodplain trails should be designed to withstand occasional flooding , during large storm events . Hard paved concrete or asphalt surfaces are required depending on the frequency of the flooding and expected velocity of flow . Permeable paving treatments may be considered in environmentally-sensitive areas . Floodplain trails should follow the design criteria outlined under the multi-use trail section and in accordance with the City of Arlington ’ s Design Criteria Manual standards , State , and Federal requirements regarding stream buffer setbacks .
Creekside Trails
Creekside trails are typically located directly adjacent to the stream channel . They are typically located in urban areas , where there are right-of-way constraints . Hard paved concrete surfaces are required to withstand high-velocity stream flooding . Retaining walls or other structural devices may be required to construct and protect trail from erosion and flood damage . The installation of site furnishings should be considered and studied to not obstruct the
7-54 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines