Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 16

Key Partners City of Arlington Texas Department of Transportation ( TxDOT ) North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ) Arlington Independent School District University of Texas at Arlington
Hike and Bike System Master Plan Steering Committee Deborah Humphreys , NCTCOG Jeff L . Johnson , UT-Arlington - Campus Bike Program Gordon Johnston , Bicycles Inc . Theresa A . Lopez , TxDOT Bob Murday , River Legacy Foundation Kendy Saud , Citizen Representative Christina Sebastian , UT-Arlington - Student Mike Talambas , Park Board Representative Glenn Troutman , West Citizens Active Network , Park Board Representative Bob Watson , Citizen Representative Tim Yatko , Citizen Representative Mike Zerr , Citizen Representative
City Staff Kurt Beilharz , City of Arlington - Parks & Recreation De ’ Onna Garner , City of Arlington - Parks & Recreation Pete Jamieson , City of Arlington - Parks & Recreation Bob Lowry , City of Arlington - Public Works & Transportation Jim Parajon , City of Arlington - Community Development & Planning Matt Young , City of Arlington - Parks & Recreation Alicia Winkelblech , City of Arlington - Community Development & Planning
Project Consultants Greenways Incorporated | PBS & J | The Lentz Group | Henderson Consulting
2 ii | Acknowledgements | Chapter 1 : Introduction