Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 158

of the trail ”) shall be posted .
• In flood prone areas , multi-purpose trails should be constructed of concrete .
• When constructing multi-use trails on steep slopes , walls may be required . Wall materials shall withstand periodic flooding . ( Figure 7.62.5 ).
• Centerline stripes should be provided for paths that generate substantial amounts of traffic .
• Side slopes shall be a maximum of 1:6 adjacent to both sides of the trail . When the bottom of the slope is unsafe , a dense shrubbery , chain link fence , or other physical barrier may be required .
• The minimum vertical clearance is 10 feet . Greater clearance for maintenance and emergency vehicles may be required .
• Trails need to be well drained with a 2 percent cross slope .
• Environmental and wetland impacts should be minimized .
• Cautionary signs should be provided for steep slopes , blind curves , and other potential hazards .
• When the separation between the edge of the road and trail is less than 5 feet , a suitable barrier should be provided . The barrier shall be a minimum of 42 inches in height . When barriers are used , they shall not impair sight distance at intersection or along a roadway .
• Potential conflicts between user groups must be considered and addressed during the development phase of the trail .
• Refer to AASHTO design standards for design speed , horizontal alignment , grade , sight distance requirements and other related design requirements .
• Slopes greater than 5 percent are considered undesirable . When slopes exceed 5 percent on a heavy use multi-purpose trail , increase the width to 14 feet . Provide signage that alerts bicyclist of maximum percent grade .
• Refer to local , state , and federal stream
Figure 7.62.2 . Typical two-way , paved 10-foot wide multi-use trail .
7-52 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines