Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 155

visibility and painted a bright color for improved daytime visibility . When more than one post is provided , a minimum of 5-foot spacing is desirable between posts ( Figures 7.61.5 and 7.61.6 ).
• Provide signing and marking for multi-use paths in accordance with AASHTO and
MUTCD design standards .
• Well designed transitions from sidepaths to on-road facilities will direct bicyclists to the correct side of the roadway .
• Coordination with utility provider will be necessary if multi-use sidepath is located within the utility corridor .
Figure 7.61.2 . Four travel lanes with center turn lane typical plan and section with multi-use side path .
Figure 7.61.3 . Typical redesign of a side path crossing road at 90 degree angle to provide better visibility at intersection .
Figure 7.61.4 . Typical detail of four-way intersection crossing with side path and sidewalks .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-49