Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 153

• Overpass materials can be constructed of concrete , steel , wood , or a combination of these materials .
• Overpasses can often be designed as a community landmark or gateway element .
• Grade separated crossings are more commonly used and look more aesthetically pleasing if elevation changes can be minimized or worked into the normal path of pedestrian movements .
• Screens are often used as a necessary buffer between vehicle traffic and the bicycle overcrossing .
• On all bridge decks , special care should be taken to ensure that bicycle – safe expansion joints are used and that decking materials that become slippery when wet are avoided .
• Lighting should be considered in urban conditions and should be provided , where street lighting is not provided .
Figure 7.52.34 . Typical overpass / overcrossing configurations .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-47