I . Bike Boulevard
A bike boulevard is a shared roadway which has been optimized for bicycle traffic . It is designed to give priority to bicyclists and encourage regular use of bicycles by both the experienced and the novice , including children . They allow experienced bicyclists to enjoy lower traffic without significant increases in trip time , while less experienced bicyclists can use them as a “ training ground ” to help them move to other shared roadway ( Figure 7.51.24 ).
Design Criteria :
• Access to private property , emergency services access , and impact on traffic patterns needs to be addressed prior to implementation .
• Bike boulevards should be considered when motor vehicle volumes are less than 3,000 – 4,000 vehicles per day ; 1,500 vehicle trips per day are preferred .
• Vehicle speed should be 25 mph or less . The ideal speed is 15 - 20 mph . In general , a speed differential between motorists and cyclists of no more than 15 mph is desirable .
• Provide bike boulevard signage and pavement markings to serve as wayfinding devices and reinforce that bicyclists are on the preferred route .
• Install traffic calming devices such as chokers and bulbouts at corners to limit motor vehicles from entering bicycle boulevard and encroach traffic calming .
• Remove parking at intersections to ensure adequate sight distance .
• Provide large pavement markings ( 30 ” L x 60 ” w ) at each intersection location to indicate and reinforce the message to motorists they are on a street prioritized for cyclists .
• Refer to MUTCD and AASHTO devices for pavement signing and markings , intersection treatment , and general application of pavement wording and symbols for onroad bicycle facilities .
• Install stop signs or signals on intersecting streets so bicyclists can ride free with few interruptions .
• Refer to Figure 7.51.26 for an appropriate mix of design elements for a bicycle boulevard development along a particular corridor .
• Refer to http :// www . ibpi . usp . pdx . edu / media / BicycleBoulevardGuidebook . pdf
• Provide protection on bike boulevards where high volume arterials cross with signals or medians refuge improvements .
• Failure to provide arterial crossing improvements can result in unsafe conditions for bicyclists .
• If bike boulevards are improperly implemented , they can cause traffic diversions and congestion on other streets .
Figure 7.51.24 . Example of bike boulevard
7-28 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines