Manual to determine minimum lane width requirements .
• If the number of lanes or the lane width cannot be reduced and on-street parking exists , reexamine the need for on-street parking to accommodate bike lanes .
• Should angled parking exist , reconsider changing to parallel parking to accommodate bike lanes .
G . Bike Lane ( Restripe Implementation Method )
A restripe of the roadway to incorporate bike lanes involves a reduction in the width , but not number of travel lanes ( Figure 7.51.20 ).
Design Criteria :
• Depending on the roadway classification , narrow existing travel lanes to accommodate bicycle lanes .
• Bike lanes are a minimum of 5 ’ -0”.
• Provide pavement marking and signing on shoulders of bike lanes .
• On large traffic volume roads that have four or more lanes on streets that have a speed limit of 45 MPH or more , an off road / multi-use facility adjacent to the roadway should be utilized .
• With travel lane width reduction , reduced speeds are required .
• Consult with traffic engineer to determine if lane width reductions are feasible .
• Refer to AASHTO and the City of Arlington guidelines to determine if travel lane width is feasible without significantly affecting the safety operation of the roadway and surrounding roadways .
Four Travel Lanes Reduced in Width to Allow for Bike Lanes
Figure 7.51.20 . Bike lane restripe ( narrowing travel lanes to add bike lanes )
7-26 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines