F . Bike Lane ( Travel Lane Conversion Implementation Method )
The travel lane conversion method involves a reduction in the number of travel lanes . Where future traffic volumes are expected to be low , a travel lane conversion is also recommended in this plan for four-lane divided roadways to convert to two lane divided roadways with bike lanes . Travel lane conversions can also include the reduction of four lanes to three lanes with center lane as turn lane to accommodate bike lanes ( Figure 7.51.16 through 7.51.19 ).
Design Criteria :
• A traffic study is required to determine the feasibility of reducing the number of travel lanes .
• Examine the possibility of reducing the width of travel lanes or restripe if lanes cannot be eliminated .
• Refer to the City of Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan and the Design Criteria
Existing Four Lane Street Plan and Section ( before )
Existing Four Lane Street Plan and Section ( before )
Existing Four Lane Street Plan and Section ( after )
Figure 7.51.16 . Bike lane road diet and restripe ( four lanes to two lanes with median and bike lanes .
Existing Four Lane Street Plan and Section ( after )
Figure 7.51.17 Two travel lanes , center turn lane , and bike lanes plan and section ( after ).
7-24 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines