Bicycle projects must be planned and constructed according to AASHTO , MUTCD , TxDOT , and City of Arlington Design Manual standards .
7.5.1 On-Road Bicycle System
A . Paved Shoulders
Paved shoulders are the area adjacent to the nearest travel lane and are at the same elevation as the street . Often used to accommodate disabled vehicles , paved shoulders allow bicyclists to use the roadway in a safe environment . Unless the minimum width for bike lanes and standards are met , paved shoulders should not be marked or designated as bikeways ( Figures 7.51.1 through 7.51.3 ).
tion , and the specification provided by the City of Arlington Design Criteria Manual .
• It is best to widen shoulders in conjunction with pavement overlay to add structural strength to bike lane and provide a smooth , seamless joint . Cost can also be less due to larger quantities of paving materials that will be purchased and the benefit of minimized traffic disruption .
Shoulder widths can vary depending on the classification of the roadway ( rural arterial , collector , local route , etc .), the design speed , and volume of traffic . Refer to City of Arlington and TxDOT for minimum shoulder width standards .
Design Criteria :
• Paved shoulders should be at least 4 feet wide to accommodate bike travel .
• Paved shoulders should be 5 feet wide from face fixed objects including guardrails , curbs , or barriers .
• Paved shoulders should be increased to 6-foot in roadways when there is a high percentages of truck , transit , recreational vehicles , obstructions , when vehicle speeds exceed 40 mph , or on steep grades in excess of 8 percent .
• Rumbled strips or raised pavement is not recommended unless there is a minimum clear path of 1 foot from the rumble strip to the traveled way .
• See AASHTO and Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets ( Green Book ), for additional guidance .
• Many existing gravel shoulders have sufficient width and base to support bikeways .
• When providing additional pavement surface to existing roadways , the thickness of pavement and base material will depend on local conditions , engineering evalua-
Figure 7.51.1 Paved shoulder at Bowman Springs Street bridge over I-20 .
Figure 7.51.2 . Paved shoulder at Mansfield Webb Road and Ballweg Road .
7-18 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines