Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 112

the Thoroughfare Development Plan for minimum sidewalk width requirments for various street types . A six-foot-wide sidewalk width is desirable if right-of-way and other site conditions allow . This width allows two pedestrians , including handicapped users , to comfortably walk side by side , or to pass each other . It can also provide enough space for two pedestrians to pass a third pedestrian without leaving the sidewalk . Sidewalks should be clear of obstructions such as sign posts , utility and signal poles , mailboxes , parking meters , fire hydrants , trees , and other street furniture ( Figure 7.4.4 ).
The pedestrian buffer / furnishing zone , often referred to as a planting strip , provides a physical separation between pedestrians and vehicular travel lanes . This improves safety , helps decrease road noise , prevents splashing onto sidewalk users , and creates a more positive pedestrian experience . The pedestrian buffer / furnishing zone provides a place for street trees and landscaping , sign posts , utility and signal poles , mailboxes , parking meters , fire hydrants , and other site furnishings to be located . Streets designed with a pedestrian buffer or a furnishing zone should be landscaped with low maintenance plantings . Trees , street furniture , and other objects should not obscure or impair motorist and pedestrian visibility ( Figures 7.4.5 ).
When cars are parked perpendicular or diagonally to sidewalks , a minimum of a four-foot parking lot buffer with wheel stops shall be provided to prevent car overhang and narrowing usable sidewalk width ( Figures 7.4.6 ). When feasible it is the City of Arlington ’ s goal to provide a complete street section ( Figures 7.4.7 ).
Figure 7.4.4 . Sidewalk / walkway clearances .
Figure 7.4.5 . Sidewalk with pedestrian buffer zone .
Figure 7.4.6 . Sidewalk with landscape buffer at parking lot .
Figure 7.4.7 . Typical complete street section .
7-6 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines