Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 105

Task Lead Support Details Phase
Expand upon local events such as Bike to Work / Month and Week
HBAC , Bike Friendly Arlington
Bike-to-Work Month and Week ( May of every year ) offers an opportunity to conduct education and encouragement programs . The HBAC , Bike Friendly
Community Development and Arlington , local advocacy groups , bike clubs , City
Planning , Parks and Recreation staff , and employers should assist in growing this celebration every year into bigger events with increased participation
Identify Hike and Bike Coordinator position
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
City Council , HBAC
The “ keeping ” of this Plan would be the Coordinator ’ s primary responsibility , including working closely with the City of Arlington departments , TxDOT , NCTCOG , and adjacent municipalities to ensure its implementation , review , and regular update . The Coordinator would also serve as “ staff ” to the HBAC .
Medium- to Long Term ( 2012-2020 )
Apply for bicycle parking / locker grant applications .
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , HBAC
Bike Friendly Arlington
Apply for grant funding to provide enhanced bicycle parking and lockers .
Medium-Term ( 2012-2014 )
Provide bicycle parking in key locations throughout City of Arlington .
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , HBAC
Public Works and Transportation , Bike Friendly Arlington
Upon completion of the bike parking study , provide bicycle services such as bicycle racks , covered parking , bicycle stations , showers at employment centers , and bicycle rentals . Work with downtown and UT-Arlington groups and HBAC to determine other key locations for future parking facilities .
Medium-Term ( 2012-2014 )
Update Hike and Bike Master Plan
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Public Works and Transportation , HBAC
Update entire Hike and Bike Master Plan every five years . This provides an opportunity for significant revision based on progress to-date , land use / transportation changes , and current needs and opportunities .
Long Term ( 2016 )
Identify and complete next set of priority projects
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Public Works and In 2016 , reassess projects and reevaluate priorities and Transportation , HBAC , TxDOT phases . Consider updating the entire plan .
Long Term ( 2016-2020 )
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-15