Highline Autos 2018 Arizona Auction Guide | Page 61

Services A LPIO ’ S @ T ROON C ACTUS W INDOW T INT F RANK A AZAMI - P RIVATE C LIENT G ROUP Introducing the most unique event venue in the greater Scottsdale area – Alpio’s @ Troon! Surround yourself with classic cars and motorcycles, arcade games, pinball, pool table, pac-man. Alpio’s@ Troon is fantastic stage for your next event. Premiere tints, wraps and clear bras for cars and trucks as well as commercial and resi- dential window tinting. Rick and his staff work with two of the best window film manufactur- ers in the world, 3M and SunTek. Uniting buyers with sellers; locally, na- tionally and internationally. My clients own or are searching to own a property in Par- adise valley, Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek, Fountain Hills or Phoenix metro Maricopa County, Arizona. F RY M EDIA I CONIC M OTOR C AR I NSPECTION Fry Media is a design studio that creates environments for all kinds of people and businesses. From stickers to storefronts and everything in between. Inspection of every year and model vehicle. Comprehensive and detailed reports, make an informed decision and navigate through the costly pitfalls. Check for salvage fraud, misrepresentation, hidden damage, flooding; undisclosed issues, and drivability concerns. Hammer Price is the first and only way to follow all of your favorite collector car auc- tions at once, in real-time. Preview auction runlists, keep track of interesting lots, compare today’s prices with past results, and see what’s selling now. P ETER J. Z AIDAN - R EALTOR / C AR G UY U LTIMATE M OBILE W HEEL & T IRE J EFF F ISHER , R EALTOR RE/MAX F INE P ROPERTIES Buying or selling a Garage Centric Home? Call us. My team handles homes of all shapes and sizes nationwide that suit car lovers. It’s not just a garage, it’s the sand- box for your toys. Why buy your tires, wheels, or accessories from a corporate chain when you can get competitive pricing and personalized serv- ice from us? Visit their Scottsdale Show- room today for all your needs or call and they will send their mobile truck to you. Jeff Fisher has 25 plus years of experi- ence in Scottsdale Arizona real estate, land use and development. Jeff was the former directer of the Planning and Development department for the City of Scottsdale. (650) 995-4653 WWW . ALPIOSATTROON . COM (602) 454-0701 WWW . FRYMEDIA . COM (480) 442-1236 WWW .H OMES 4C AR G UYS . COM (480) 248-8966 WWW . CACTUSTINT . COM (888) 404-4115 WWW . IMCINSPECTION . COM (480) 447-2211 WWW . UWTOFFROAD . COM (480) 266-0240 WWW . FRANKAAzAMI . COM H AMMER P RICE INFO @ HAMMERPRICELIVE . COM WWW . HAMMERPRICELIVE . COM (480) 792-9500 WWW . ARIzONASREALTY . COM www.Highline-Autos.com 2018 Arizona Auction Guide Highline Autos 61