Highest Vision Discovering the Divine Feminine Within | Page 18




What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see someone worthy of love, joy, and happiness? Your beliefs about who you are completely shape your experiences and your actions. Have you ever noticed the differences in how people treat you when you are confident versus when you are not? The way we are treated by others is based on the energy we emit, particularly the energy we emit surrounding how we feel about ourselves. We have to be very honest about how we feel about ourselves because we are constantly creating relationships that mirror our beliefs. Often people are surprised when they are mistreated but when we look deeply, it is a reflection of the same mistreatment they express towards themselves.

You may have a supportive team or you may be great at setting goals but ultimately the outcome is most strongly related to how you feel about yourself.

Self-love is a prerequisite to peace and abundance

There is a mirror exercise that works really well for opening up to Self-Love.'


For instuctions for the

Mirror Exercise.