Highest Awards Shine Ceremony Program 2022 | Page 7

About the Girl Scout Bronze Award

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior in grades 4-5 can earn . When girls work toward earning their Girl Scout Bronze Award , they uncover the important lessons in what it takes to leave a meaningful legacy in their community . After completing a Junior-level Girl Scout Journey , girls are encouraged to identify issues they care about and explore the needs of their surrounding communities . The Girl Scout Junior builds a team with fellow Junior Girl Scouts ( or chooses to go solo !) to develop a plan and complete a Take Action Project of 20 or more hours to earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award .

About the Girl Scout Silver Award

The Girl Scout Silver Award — the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette in grades 6-8 can earn — gives girls the chance to show they are a leader who is organized , determined , and dedicated to improving their community . After completing one Cadette Journey , girls must identify an issue they care about , explore their community , create a Take Action Project , and put it into motion . The suggested minimum time for earning the Girl Scout Silver Award is 50 project hours .