Troop 274 , Warwick , RI How To Be A Human
What is your project about ? Today , schools no longer teach valuable and every day life skills such as sewing , budgeting , or cooking a meal in a home economics class , leaving children and teens unprepared for the real world when they graduate . My project nipped this problem in the bud and taught the next generation of adults how to be a human .
What is your favorite aspect of being a Girl Scout ? I have been a Girl Scout for the past 13 years , and I have loved every minute of it . Whether I ' m hiking up tall mountains , standing out in the freezing cold to sell cookies , or helping out at a local soup kitchen during the holidays , my Girl Scout experience has been full of laughter , smiles , and happiness . My favorite aspect of Girl Scouts is not one provided to me in a Journey workbook . It isn ' t one structured activity or camping trip . My favorite part of being a Girl Scout is the lifelong friends that I have made . I have watched the girls in my troop grow from being small little Daisies to now being strong , compassionate women . To me , Girl Scouts isn ' t the badges earned , or the field trips taken . Girl Scouts is all about the relationships with the amazing women in my life that I have made .
Alexis Wells
Troop 1067 , Rehoboth , MA Robes for the Oncology Center at Charlton Memorial
What is your project about ?
My project was creating robes for the women ' s oncology center in Charlton Memorial hospital . The robes are used for the patients while they undergo radiation chemo treatments to keep them warm .
What was your favorite aspect of being a Girl Scout ? My favorite aspect about being a Girl Scout was just genuinely everything . I loved the trips and learning so many useful things . Thankfully I was able to go to Disney my senior year which was an
unforgettable experience . Girl Scouts will always have a place in my heart .