Highest Awards Shine Ceremony Program 2022 | Page 15

Katherine Laliberte Troop 263 , Wakefield , RI Nutrition Curriculum Re-Write

What is your project about ? With the help of Nutritionists and Health teachers in the South Kingstown School District , I created 10 multi-day lesson plans to teach students about nutrition and the importance of living healthy lifestyles . Focuses of my program include : reading food labels , body image , eating disorders , and the influence of media .
What is your favorite aspect of being a Girl Scout ?
My favorite part of being a Girl Scout is being able to make meaningful connections with girls around the world . Whether it be with girls in my troop ,
younger girls , or Girl Scouts thousands of miles away , being a Girl Scout has given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people . I have made some of my
best friends through being part of this organization and I cannot wait to see what this community has in store for me in the future .
Sara Macedo Troop 426 , Bristol , RI Blankets for Family
What is your project about ? I helped donate blanket kits to a local nursing home and also made a YouTube video on how to make knot blankets , because my project was in the middle of a pandemic it made a more traditional project like l intended . I made the video to instruct families and others who wanted to learn how to make it to bring people together during the difficult time we were and currently are going through .
How will being a Gold Award Girl Scout effect the rest of your life ? It taught me many skills and brought me some of my best friends . My best friend in the world l met in Girl Scouts when l was 5 and l am forever grateful for that . I learned how to do community outreach and how to
speak up for myself . I was a shy kid going into Girls Scouts and it gave me the ability and opportunity to find my voice , which l know helped me get
where l am today . Girl Scouts and the community l found there for so many years allowed me to dream big and push for my dreams , and l attribute that partially to why l am now attending my dream college the University of Chicago . Girl Scouts helped me find who l am and find my forever friends , and that will stay with me for the rest of my life .