High Speed Rail in the United States Jan. 2014 | Page 51

Union Station Area Analysis 50


4.1 Walk Distance to Transit- fail distance between transit stops is too far

Transit Score: Fail


3.1 Small Blocks- 0/10 More than 10% of blocks in the station area are more than 190 meters in length

3.2 Prioritized Connectivity- 3/5 All intersections are shared between pedestrians and motor vehicles so there is a 1:1 ratio

Connect Score: 3/15


6.1 Land Use Density- 7/15 Total residential population, jobs and visitors is the same as or within 5% below the baseline density. There were not a lot of restaurants and mixed use in the NoMa area

Densify Score: 7/15


8.1 Off-Street Parking 5/10 Non-essential parking area is 15% or less of site area

8.2 Driveway Density- 2/2 Average driveway density is 2 or less driveways per 100m of block frontage

8.3 Roadway Area- 3/8 Motor vehicle area was more than 20% of site area surrounding the station

Shift Total: 10/20

Photo 1: An aerial view of Union Station and the surrounding area