High Speed Rail in the United States Jan. 2014 | Page 43


NoMA is a devoloping neighborhood in Washington D.C. just north of Union Station. NoMA is named for its location, North of Massachusetts Avenue. In 2004, major improvements began in this section of the city due to the opening of the New York Avenue Metro station. In 2007 and 2008, private developers invested over $1 billion to begin developement of office, residential, hotel, and retail space for over the next ten year period.

As of today, 40,000 people travel to NoMA for daytime work, more than 3,900 apartment have recently been completed, and 13 modes of transportation are easily accessed from this area, including two Red Line Metro stops and six Capital Bikeshare station. NoMA Business Improvement District has focused on connecting residents and employees at exciting, fun and free events. These events bring culture, music, artists, local farmers and more to this neighborhood.

The National Mall

To the west of the Capitol lies the National Mall, a park containing some of the nation's most recognized sights. The core of the Mall stretches between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial, with the Washington Monument, the reflection pool, and numerous war memorials between them. Lining the Mall are the Smithsonian institutions, national museums charged with the collection and preservation of the nation's heritage. The grand Mall is the centerpeice of L'Enfant's plan, a major touist attraction and the site of many protests and demonstrations. Every four years the mall fills with people, spectators of the preseidential inauguration

national mall photo from http://jimbakkershow.com/news/pro-immigration-reform-rally-scheduled-closed-national-mall/

Photo 6: The Lincoln Memorial.

Photo 7: Washington Monument and Reflection Pond at night.

Photo 8: Capitol building and Washington Monument at the National Mall.