High Speed Rail in the United States Jan. 2014 | Page 35

Grand Central Terminal Area Analysis 34

New York City


5.1 Complementary Uses- 10/10 The predominant use in the station area occupies 50% or less of the total floor area

5.2 Accessibility to Food- 1/1 80% or more of buildings surrounding the station area including the station itself are within walking distance to a source of fresh food

5.3 Affordable Housing- 0/4 It is Manhattan, there really is no such thing as affordable housing there. Less than 15% of all residential units are affordable.

Mix Score: 11/15


8.1 Off-Street Parking- 10/10 100% of parking area is dedicated to service vehicles and citizens with disabilities

8.2 Driveway Density- 2/2 There were no driveways because there were no parking structures

8.3 Roadway Area- 8/8 Motor vehicle area is 15% or less of site area

Shift Score: 20/20

Photo 1: An aerial view of Grand Central Terminal and the surrounding area