High School Prospectus EC8682 High School Prospectus 2020 FINAL | Page 33
Elthorne Park High School
Admissions criteria Children of newly appointed staff
The below criteria has been summarised, for the full
admissions policy and arrangements please visit the Ealing
council website: www.ealing.gov.uk After the published offer date, where there is a
demonstrable skills shortage for a vacant post (independent
evidence is required), the admission authority will place the
children of a new appointee for the post in question, at the
top of the waiting list for places at the school.
Published admission number: 240 places
Where the number of applications is less than the published
admission number all applicants will be offered a place.
Where the number of applications is greater than the
published admission number; after the allocation of
children with an EHC plan, the admission criteria will be
applied in the following order of priority:
1. Children who are looked after or were previously
looked after – Looked after children and children who
were previously looked after but immediately after
being looked after became subject to adoption, a child
arrangements order, or special guardianship order.
2. Children who appear to have been in state care
outside of England – Children who appear to the
Local Authority to have been in state care outside of
England and ceased to be in state care as a result of
being adopted.
3. Siblings – Children with a brother or sister who will be
attending the main school at the time of admission.
A sibling connection does not apply for children whose
older sibling will/may be attending the 6th form in years
12 & 13.
4. Distance from home to school – Other Children, with
priority given to those living closest to the school. The
distance from home to school is measured by straight
line, from a point in the property to a point in the school
determined by the grid references for the centre of the
school’s postcode.
How places were offered in 2019
criteria Offers made on national
offer day
Criteria 1 & 3 All applicants offered
Criteria 4 Distance of last child to be
offered: 0.705 miles
Waiting lists
The community schools in Ealing will hold waiting lists for
all year groups for one term, after which the waiting list
will cease. If parents wish for their child to continue on the
waiting list they will need to advise the admissions team
before the start of the following term.
When vacancies arise, places will be allocated according to
the oversubscription criteria. Vacancies will be offered to the
pupil with the highest priority on the waiting list, not on a
“first come, first served” basis.
Sixth form admissions
Applications for sixth form are made directly to the school.
Please visit the school website for the sixth form admissions
policy: www.ephs.ealing.sch.uk
For detailed information about the school and to
read their prospectus please visit the school website:
Tie breaks
If more applications are received in any one criterion than
there are places available the tiebreaker of distance will be
used to determine priority. In cases where applicants live
equidistant from the preferred school the place(s) will be
allocated using random allocation.
Twin or children from multiple births
The Local Authority does not give priority under its
admission criteria for twins, triplets or other children from
multiple births, however, the Local Authority will admit
twins and children from multiple births when one of the
siblings is the thirtieth child.
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