High School Prospectus EC8682 High School Prospectus 2020 FINAL | Page 29
Drayton Manor High School
Admissions criteria
The below criteria has been summarised, for the full
admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school
website: www.draytonmanorhighschool.co.uk
Published admission number: 240 places
How places were offered in 2019
criteria Offers made on national
offer day
Criteria 1 to 3 All applicants offered
Criteria 4 Distance of last child to be
offered: 0.780 of a mile
Where the number of applications is less than the published
admission number all applicants will be offered a place.
Where the number of applications is greater than the
published admission number; after the allocation of
children with an EHC plan, the admission criteria will be
applied in the following order of priority:
1. Children looked after by a local authority and adopted
children who meet certain requirements Adopted
children will meet the requirements if they were ‘looked
after’ but then ceased to be because they were adopted
or were made subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order.
2. Children with a brother or sister attending the school
at the time of application who could reasonably be
expected to still be at the school at the date of entry
The word brother or sister refer to all blood, half, step,
adoptive and foster brothers and sisters who live at the
same home address.
3. Children for whom Drayton Manor High School is their
nearest publicly funded High school.
4. Other children.
Tie breaks
Where two or more children have equal priority having
applied all criteria, places will be allocated by distance,
with those living closest to the School being accorded the
highest priority.
The distance from home to school is measured by the
shortest walking route using public highways and lit
footpaths only, but excludes common land and public
open spaces. It does not take into account access by public
transport or any private vehicle.
Waiting lists
From time to time a small number of places become available
during the course of the year.
Primary Transfer to High School
Offers for places to students transferring to high school will
be sent on the 1 March each year (or when the 1 March
occurs on the weekend the following working day) by
the LA under the High Schools’ Co-ordinated Admission
Scheme. Those who are unsuccessful may choose to go on
the waiting list, which will be operated by the school. The
waiting list will continue until the end of the academic year
for which admission has been applied. Applicants who are
still unsuccessful will need to apply directly to the LA for
subsequent year groups.
Other Year Groups
The LA will operate separate waiting lists for vacancies
that may arise in subsequent year groups. The waiting
list will continue until the end of the academic year for
which admission has been applied. Applicants who are
still unsuccessful will need to apply directly to the LA for
subsequent year groups.
Sixth form admissions
Applications for sixth form are made directly to the school.
Please visit the school website for the sixth form admissions
policy: www.draytonmanorhighschool.co.uk
For detailed information about the school and to
read their prospectus please visit the school website:
This measuring policy will also be used when measuring
distances to other schools, to establish if Drayton Manor
High School is an applicant’s nearest Ealing High School.
If two or more children have equal priority under criterion
1 or 2, the distance criterion set out in 3 or 4 above will be
applied. If two or more children have equal priority under
criterion 3 or 4 places will be randomly allocated.
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