High School Prospectus 2023 | Page 46

Twyford CofE High School

Criteria for Foundation ( Christian ) places
Information relating to the child : a ) The length and frequency of voluntary attendance of the child at services of the Church of England ( or churches in communion therewith ), including Sunday School , or , Christian Church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain & Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance . An application with a reference from a church which is not affiliated to either of these bodies will score zero points . Up to 5 points are awarded for attendance over at least the last 5 years ( one point for each year ). In addition up to 5 points are awarded on the frequency / regularity of attendance over the last 5 years ( Weekly 5pts , 3 times a month 4pts , Fortnightly 3pts , Monthly 2pts , Occasional 1pt ).
Information relating to the family : b ) The length and frequency of voluntary attendance of the parent / carer at services of the Church of England ( or churches in communion therewith ), or , Christian Church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain & Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance . An application with a reference from a church which is not affiliated to either of these bodies will score zero points . Up to 5 points are awarded for attendance over at least the last 5 years ( one point for each year ). In addition up to 5 points are awarded on the frequency / regularity of attendance over the last 5 years ( Weekly 5 pts , 3 times a Month 4 pts , Fortnightly 3pts , Monthly 2pts , Occasional 1pt ).
c ) The family ’ s main place of worship is at a Church of England church ( 1pt ).
Points score system :
1 . Frequency of voluntary attendance :
5 points
3 times a month
4 points
3 points
Child and Parent
2 points
1 point
10 points [ 5 + 5 points ]
2 . Length of voluntary attendance :
5 Years
5 points
4 Years
4 points
3 Years
3 points
Child and Parent
2 Years
2 points
1 Year
1 point
10 points [ 5 + 5 points ]
Criteria for World Faith places
Please note that for the purpose of the criteria below , ‘ major non-Christian World Faith ’ ( hereinafter referred to as World Faith ) is defined as Muslim , Hindu , Sikh , Buddhist or Jewish . Attendance should be at a public place of worship ( e . g . Temple , Mosque , Gurdwara , Synagogue ) and be confirmed by a supportive reference from their religious leader so that Governors may consider their application fully . Applications which are not from the above faiths will score zero points .
Information relating to the child : a ) The frequency and length of voluntary attendance of the child at a public place of worship ( not a Saturday school ). Up to 5 points are awarded for attendance over at least the past 5 years ( one point for each year ). In addition up to 5 points are awarded according to the frequency / regularity of attendance over the last 5 years ( Weekly 5 pts , 3 times a Month 4 pts , Fortnightly 3pts , Monthly 2pts , Occasional 1pt ).
Information relating to the family : b ) The length and frequency of voluntary attendance of the parent / carer at a public place of worship ( not a Saturday School ). Up to 5 points are awarded for attendance over at least the last 5 years ( one point for each year ). In addition up to 5 points are awarded according to the frequency / regularity of attendance over the last five years ( Weekly 5 pts , 3 times a Month 4 pts , Fortnightly 3pts , Monthly 2pts , Occasional 1pt ).
Points score system :
1 . Frequency of voluntary attendance :
5 points
3 times a month
4 points
3 points
Child and Parent
2 points
1 point
10 points [ 5 + 5 points ]
2 . Length of voluntary attendance :
5 Years
5 points
4 Years
4 points
3 Years
3 points
Child and Parent
2 Years
2 points
1 Year
1 point
10 points [ 5 + 5 points ]
Maximum points : 20 [ 10 + 10 points ]
3 . Attendance at the Church of England as the main place of worship : 1 point
Maximum points : 21 [ 10 + 10 + 1 points ]
46 Starting High School 2023