High School Prospectus 2023 | Page 21

Ark Acton Academy

Admissions criteria
The below criteria has been summarised , for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website : www . arkacton . org
Published admission number : 180 places
Where the number of applications is greater than the published admission number ; after the allocation of children with an EHC plan , the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority :
1 . ‘ Looked After Children ’ and children who have previously been a ‘ Looked After Child ’ but immediately following this became subject to adoption , a child arrangements order or special guardianship order . Including children who appear ( to the admission authority ) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted .
2 . Children of staff at the academy who occupy , or have been recruited to , a post where there is a demonstrable skill shortage . Ark Schools must approve the Principal ’ s assessment process and designation of such posts to confirm the staff members ‘ eligibility under this criterion . Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year ( i . e . 6 places in each 6-form year group ).
3 . Children who , at the time of admission , have a sibling who attends the academy . For this purpose , “ sibling ” means a whole , half or step-sibling or an adopted child resident at the same address .
4 . Distance measurement – priority will be given to those children who live closest to the school . The Local Authority measures distance on behalf of Ark Schools . Ealing Council use Ordinance Survey Data and the LLPG ( Local Land Property Gazetteer ) to calculate straight line distance between the child ’ s home and the main entrance to the academy .
How places were offered in 2022
Admissions criteria
Criteria 1 to 4
Offers made on national offer day
All applicants offered
Waiting lists
Any child refused a place at the academy will automatically be put on a waiting list ( unless a higher preference school has been offered .) A waiting list will be maintained until the end of the academic year after which it will be cleared .
The waiting list is maintained in the order of the oversubscription criteria only ( not application date ). This means that names can move down the list if , e . g . someone moves into the area and is higher placed under the oversubscription criteria .
Parents / carers have the right to request their child is removed from the waiting list at any time . Once removed , the child cannot be reinstated on the waiting list without submitting a new application .
If a place becomes available it will be allocated to the first child on the waiting list , in accordance with the oversubscription criteria . If that offer is declined the place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list .
Sixth form admissions
Applications for sixth form are made directly to the school . Please visit the school website for the sixth form admissions policy : www . arkacton . org
For detailed information about the school and to read their prospectus please visit the school website : www . arkacton . org
Tie breaks If Ark Schools is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published oversubscription criteria , places will be offered via a random draw which will be supervised by someone independent of the academy .
Twin or children from multiple births In the case of multiple births or siblings in the same year group , where there is only one place available in the academy , all will be considered together as one application .
Starting High School 2023 21