High School Prospectus 2022 | Page 54

In-Year Admissions

In-Year admissions refers to all admissions for a school place , for all pupils of Year 7 to 11 , on or after 1 September 2022 , the date of the main intake into Year 7 . It includes new applicants who have moved into the area , those seeking a transfer between schools , and those attending a school who apply and request to remain on a waiting list for a higher preference school / s . In-Year applicants are seeking a school place to start as soon as possible , and not applying in advance for the following school year .
If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs / Educational Health and Care Plan , please contact the SEN Team on 020 8825 8700 who will assist in finding an appropriate school place . If moving into Ealing you will need to arrange for the SEN file from your previous Local Authority to be forwarded to Ealing SEN team . If seeking a transfer within the borough please discuss with the SENCO at your current school and your SEN co-ordinator .
In-Year applications are made online but the system and forms are different from the Main Round . In-Year applications can be made at any time of year and allocations are made weekly in term time only .
To apply for an in-year high school place for Ealing schools only , please go to the admissions page www . ealing . gov . uk / inyearadmissions and follow the links to the In-Year High School online application form .
If you live in another Local Authority you can still apply direct to Ealing for an in-year place . However you are advised to also apply to your home Local Authority for a school place there .
If you want a place in a school in another borough , please check the website for the Local Authority where the school is located to find out how to apply as arrangements vary between boroughs .
You can name up to 3 schools co-ordinating with the Local Authority and need to attach appropriate documentation . You can include siblings on your application . If you applying for any Voluntary Aided / Faith school / s you must also complete the appropriate Supplementary Information Form / s ( which are available on the website or from the school / s ) and must be returned to the faith school / s direct . If you do not submit a completed Supplementary Information Form , then your application cannot be appropriately ranked and considered .
The Local Authority co-ordinates the admissions for most schools in the borough , details can be found on line in the in-year school admissions pages .
Your child must be available to start school immediately when an offer is made .
If your child does not have a school place you should include in your listed preference schools , at least one school which has vacancies as shown in the vacancy list online updated weekly in term time . This is so your child can be offered a school place quickly and does not have a long gap in his / her education .
When you submit your application you will receive a confirmation email which you should keep .
If you have exceptional medical or social circumstances you wish to be considered , please note that not all schools include this in their admission criteria , and refer to the high school prospectus for information on how to apply under this criterion , if applicable to your preference school / s .
It is generally inadvisable to move schools once your child has started their GCSE courses , as subjects and examination boards cannot always be matched and this is likely to disadvantage your child educationally .
If you have further enquiries or need more advice which you cannot find on the website . Please contact the In-Year Admissions Team by Email : in-yearadmissions @ ealing . gov . uk Phone : 020 8825 6339 between 9.00am and 12.00 noon on weekdays .
Students of year 11 age
As above , please complete the In-Year application online and if appropriate any Supplementary Information Form / s . The High Schools In-Year Admissions Officer may contact you to discuss the range of available educational provision and find the most appropriate provision for your child . This may be in a school or other provision and will depend on a number of factors , including your child ’ s previous education especially in Year 10 , any gaps in his / her education , the date of your application , and level of English if recently arrived from abroad . We will offer advice and support on the options and how best to integrate your child into the education system and move on to further courses in the future .
Please note : if your child is on the roll of a school , and you are applying for a place at another local school , you are advised to discuss this first with your child ’ s current Head Teacher . Your child will remain on the roll of his / her current school and is required to attend there until admitted to another school to avoid any gap in his / her education .
In-Year Fair Access Protocol
Each local authority has a Fair Access Protocol . All the maintained high schools and Academies participate in the protocol in order to ensure that unplaced children who live in the home local authority , are offered appropriate educational provision as quickly as possible . The protocol is available on the website .
54 Starting High School 2022