High School Admissions | Page 56

Special education provision All schools in Ealing are committed to ensuring the best outcomes for all children and young people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Ealing has an inclusive approach to education and expects all children, young people and families to be made to feel welcome at their local school and be actively involved in the school community and in decisions that affect them. Many children and young people may need some extra support at some time in their school life. It is important to identify special needs early, put in the right support and start preparing for adulthood as soon as possible. Most children and young people with SEN go to their local high schools. All schools have resources and expertise to offer flexibility and person centre approaches in the way that SEN provision is set up as well as access to professional development and training in specific areas of SEN. Parents should look at the schools SEN Information Reports and/ or seek advice from the school SENCo or Inclusion leader (usually an Assistant or Deputy Headteacher). The LA and schools are guided by the Government’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0 to 25 years 2015: www.gov.uk/government/publications/send- code-of-practice-0-to-25 Also available free of charge from the Department for Education, Publications Centre (Tel: 0845 602 2260). Ealing provides high quality local provision to meet local needs and has a good range of SEN provision. This includes additionally resourced provisions (ARPs) in mainstream schools that cater for a range of needs and provide opportunities for young people to be included in mainstream classes and activities as well as having access to specialist teaching and learning facilities in smaller groups for parts of the week. For entry to ARPs children and young people are expected to show some potential for being able to integrate into mainstream activities, which is likely to be on a phased basis, starting with small amounts of time and building up over the course of their education. There are also four special schools that cater for the 11-16 and 11-19 age groups with more complex and longer term special educational needs. The vast majority of parents and carers and young people have indicated that they would prefer a local provision and the LA expects that out of borough provision should only be required in exceptional circumstances. Children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) Children and young people with Education Health and Care Plans (previously Statement of SEN) that name a school in the Plan are required to be admitted to the school that is named. If your child has an EHCP the LA Special Education Needs Assessment Service (SENAS) will coordinate the admission of your child into school. 56 Starting High School 2018 The local offer (www.ealing.gov.uk/send) provides more information about provision in the local area for special educational needs and disabilities including a links to independent schools approved by the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. Mainstream schools with ARPs The following high schools have or will have additionally resourced provision (ARP) for ages 11-16: Dormers Wells High School For children and young people with hearing difficulties. Elthorne Park High School For children and young people with speech, language and communication needs including developmental language disorders, autism, and learning difficulties. Greenford High School (opening 2018) For children and young people with speech, language and communication needs including autism, and learning difficulties. Twyford C of E High School (opening 2018) For children and young people with speech, language and communication needs including autism, and learning difficulties. William Perkin Cof E High School For children and young people with autism and communication needs, and mild learning difficulties. Special Schools Belvue School Rowdell Road, UB5 6AG Tel: 020 8845 5766 For children and young people with complex moderate to severe learning difficulties & autism. Age range: 11 – 19 John Chilton Compton Crescent, UB5 5LD Tel: 020 8842 1329 For children and young people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. Age range 4-17 Springhallow Cavendish Avenue, W13 0JG Tel: 020 8998 2700 For children and young people with autism and complex needs. Age range 4-16 St. Ann’s Springfield Road, W7 3JP Tel: 020 8567 6291 For children and young people with severe to profound and multiple learning difficulties and autism. Age range 11-19