Hierro y Acero Edicion 98 | Page 13

Procesos y usos del acero

Procesos y usos del acero

Valtierra , R . Colás . Thermal analysis during the solidification of cast Al-Si alloys . Therm . Acta , 510 ( 2010 ) 82-87 .
11 . J . R . Benavides-Treviño , A . Juárez-Hernández , M . A . L Hernández , N . F . Garza Montes-de-Oca , R . Colás . Development of cast aluminium alloys for plastic moulding . Int . J . Cast Met . Res ., 35 ( 2022 ) 121-129 .
12 . J . Foct , P . Perrot , G . Reumont . Interpretation of the role of silicon on the galvanizing reaction based on kinetics , morphology and thermodynamics . Scr . Metall . Mater ., 28 ( 1993 ) 1195-1200 .
13 . V . Kuklík , J . Kudláček . Hot-dip Galvanizing of Steel Structures , Butterworth Heinemann , Cambridge , 2016 .
14 . R . W . Sandelin . Galvanizing characteristics of different types of steels , Wire Wire Prod ., 15 ( 1940 ) 655- 676 .
15 . X . P . Su , N . -Y. Tang , J . M . Toguri . 450 ° C isothermal section of the Zn-Fe-Si ternary phase diagram , Can . Metall . Quart ., 40 ( 2001 ) 377-384 .
16 . C . Sha , S . Liu , Y . Du , H . Xu , L . Zhang , Y . Liu . Experimental investigation and thermodynamic reassessment of the Fe – Si – Zn system . Calphad , 34 ( 2010 ) 405-414 .
17 . X . Su , F . Yin , Z . Li , N . Y . Tang , M . Zhao . Thermodynamic calculation of the Fe – Zn – Si system . J . Alloys Comp ., 396 ( 2005 ) 156-163 .
18 . N . Y . Tang . Control of silicon reactivity in general galvanizing . J . Phase Equil . Diff ., 29 ( 2008 ) 337-344 .
19 . J . Wang , H . Tu , B . Peng , X . Wang , F . Yin , X . Su . The effects of zinc bath temperature on the coating growth behavior of reactive steel . Mat . Char ., 60 ( 2009 ), 1276-1279 .
20 . P . Liberski , A . Tatarek , J . Mendala . Investigation of the initial stage of hot dip zinc coatings on iron alloys with various silicon contents . Sol . Sta . Phen ., 212 ( 2014 ) 121-126 .

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