Hidden Door 2017 Hidden Door Programme 2017_Web | страница 17

sponsors koralia maciej Koralia Maciej is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates large scale compositions which extend a dialogue with their surrounding space. She is inspired by industrial architecture, abandoned and overlooked fragments of distorted reality. oana stanciu Romanian visual artist Oana Stanciu, a favourite exhibitor at past Hidden Doors, returns this year on our invited artists programme. Her recent work combines still and moving image in which she uses herself as a model, experimenting with her body and everyday objects to improvise scenes and create unnatural or subtly distorted images. Stanciu likes to play and pretend; rendering the ordinary extraordinary and mesmeric. Embracing the theatrical setting, this year’s project will explore themes of repetition and ritual, focusing on video installation. She is interested in finding new ways for viewers to experience her work, playing with sound and how imagery is presented - hiding and seeking - within the space. Viewers can expect an immersive, intriguing spectacle, with characteristic undertones of the strange and uncanny. Her practise develops works as discrete containers of thought, memory or ideas, showing situations in which structures charge the space around them by reconf iguring the surroundings through poetic transformation. She invites the viewer to translate moments of dynamic presence into a static world, and to move into a space of abstract geometrical forms; creating three dimensional large scale objects which represents translated fragments of industrial cityscape. She is fascinated by visual alterations of the environment. For Maciej, moments of deconstruction are the starting point of the process of telling the story, rewriting it or creating a ‘to be continued’. Maciej returns to Hidden Door 2017 as an invited artist to make a site specific, ambitious work in the main auditorium of the venue. ® 33