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INTER VIEW WITH WITH YOLIBEL YOLIBEL FONSECA FONSECA By: Kevin Murray What is the basic difference between the education of children with psychic handicap and those we consider normal? There are a lot of differences, but the fundamental thing is that with these children it is necessary to use specific resources. Yolibel its teacher at CAM (centro de I suppose there are many different atencion multiple by its Spanish typologies within what we call children initials), with a major degree in with psychic handicap. specialized education, this means, that Yes, because there are different she educates children with mental and physical disability; this is not an easy syndromes and then, in addition, within each of them, many scales. job, but we admire those who are willing to do it, that why we decided to interview her as a form of respect to her And this circumstance, what does it compel at the time of carrying out its and her job. work? How does the educational action change? Can you define your profession? In the media, in the educational Basically, attention to a group of people, resources, they do not follow the children in my case, with special ordinary curriculum. educational needs. 43