With Humberto Luna
Now a days there exist many different renewable energy, we are sure that the
solar energy is one on the more useful. In this article we show you an interview
to the engineer Humberto Luna to know more about solar panels and how
they work. He is an electrical mechanical engineer with a specialist in
mechanical, and he study in the University of Baja California, he has his own
solar panel company which is call SUNET, he has been in the solar panel
business since 5 years ago. His company sell 200,000 dollars and every year
doubles his earnings. And this is what he told us.
1. Why did you choose to make a solar
panel Company?
Because I was thinking on a product that
everybody need it, everybody need energy.
The way to produce energy from a solar
panel is less expensive than buy the
4. How do you visualize your company in 10
Is going to be the best company in the north
of Mexico, I think that one on the most
important projects in Baja California are
going to be done by sunet.
energy from Comision Federal de
5. Do you think solar panels are the future?
Yes, absolutely
Electricidad. That’s why I choose this
6. How much impact does the solar panels
have in the environment?
Nothing, because some people say that
Talk with the people, try to sell them, show
¨What are you goanna do when the life of the
the benefits and also help the
solar panel is finished? ¨ well when that
environment with my job.
happen the solar panel will have other
3. Do you like what you do?
functions. We know that solar panels can
Yes, I love it I think is the best job in the
expect like 40 or 50 years.
2. What is the most interesting part of your