6. Santa Clarita Diet (2017)
Sheila is a woman who experience death, but she returned to life
becoming in a zombie and now she need to make your life again
trying not to eat her family or not be discovered. She only can eat
human meat or a blood shake, and her family need to think so well
which neighbor are going to be sacrificed for Sheila.
7. The OA (2016)
This TV show it's about the life of a Russian girl that had an accident
and dies, but the life give her another opportunity and she return to
life, but now she are in the hands of a scientist and she are part of his
8. Sense8 (2015)
The story is about 8 people living in different cities around the world.
These experience a violent vision which suddenly makes them
mentally connected between them. They can communicate and talk
to each other as if they were in the same place and also have access to
their deepest secrets.
9. Jessica Jones (2015)
Another original Marvel's TV show. Jessica Jones is a woman that born
with superpowers and now she can learn to deal with it; she start a life
becoming into a private detective.
10. 13 Reasons Why (2016)
This is the most recent TV show. Treats about the life of a girl that
commits suicide and before she kill herself, she left some tapes where
she explains the 13 reasons that take she to end with her life.
Now you know which TV shows are the best ones, you can enjoy your
day watching this incredible stories in company of your family or