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This story presented by Taibo II shows us in a not direct way, the types of leaders that both Mexico and Latin America have had during and after the military dictatorships in the region. These characters in one way or another, let us know the differences between a good leader and a good leader, as well as a transformative leader with a transactional and ultimately the presence of their charisma in different contexts. We highly recommended Temporada de Zopilotes, not only because of its literary value in history, but because, for those who do not like reading so much, they will be able to face not a boring and old book as they have been some past works of the author, but with a book of 150 pages, very digestible and above all with a style that wrap you up in the story, which makes you a silent witness, following two steps back to each of the protagonists of this story, watching, listening, smelling Fear, action, betrayal. 36