of my classmates were taking
selfies, other were singing and
listening to music, another
one was already slept, and of
course the snapchats stories
about grad nite trip were just
The first crazy thing happened
while we were leaving from
the border line, someone
stayed forgotten in the offices
of the border line because he
never get into de bus, he
didn’t listen when the
teachers screamed that bus
number one was leaving, so
he had to run all way down to
The bus driver finally saw him and
arrive the bus, and the ones
stop, by the time he get into the bus
who were in the bus didn’t
the teacher were also laughing about
noticed that he was missing
him. After that we keep our way until
until we saw him running
we get to Disneyland, we arrived like
behind us, we were laughing a
at 11 am we knew that at that time
lot and just watching from the
the line for every ride and game was
window how we was running
going to be long and we try to hurry
trying to get us.
to go out from the bus and start
making lines.