eTwinning, communicating, collaborating, developing and sharing projects; in short, it offers a platform for staff working in one of the participating schools in Europe (teachers, principals, librarians etc.) to feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning encourages inter-school collaboration in Europe by providing support, tools and services for schools through the use of ICT. Also; eTwinning also offers free opportunities for online Professional Development for trainers. ETwinning, launched in 2005 as the main movement of the European Commission's eLearning Program, has been tightly integrated into Erasmus +, the EU Education, Training, Youth and Sports program since 2014. The Central Support Service is managed by the European Schoolnet, an international collaboration of 34 European Ministries of Education, which develops training for schools, teachers and students in Europe. ETwinning is also supported by 38 National Support Services at national level. The eTwinning portal is the entry point to the eTwinning world. ETwinning.net is available in 28 languages. News from eTwinning countries, opportunities for professional development, information on recognition and examples from successful projects are also provided. Projects: In this section, teachers can find tools called eler Kits olan to help them build their own projects. There is also a gallery of best practice examples to inspire and design eTwinning projects. Recognition: In this section, teachers can find everything they need to know about European Quality Labels, National Quality Labels, eTwinning Prizes and eTwinning Schools, which are eTwinning's recognition opportunities. Professional Development: In this Section, teachers; From self-assessment tools (MeTP) to self-help materials (Self-Learning Materials), online seminars to learning activities and peer learning through eTwinning special activities, they can find a wide range of tools to help improve training methods. Highlights: News from the eTwinning community, including pedagogical methods and the best eTwinning practices.