§ Community care of mental patients . Discover different examples of community care and their impact on mental patients .
§ Continual support for returning veterans . Determine program success in helping veterans enter the job market .
§ Human services personnel and their values regarding working with senior citizens . A values clarification assessment .
§ Retardation and success out-of-school . A review of successful programs working with younger retarded clients achieving employment .
§ Increased incidents of homeless individuals at odds with community rejection . More and more communities are passing laws restricting the homeless asking for money . What are the trends and examples of the laws ?
2 ) Identify the components , attributes , or different segments you will write about in your discussion .
The research report can pose problems or hypotheses , but does not actually document what was done to address the problem / hypothesis from a research prospective , but can be answered by examining research “ studies ” that were done on the concept . In some ways , the research report can be considered a meta-analysis .
The following steps should be followed :
§ Identify the concept or HHS program to be studied . The concept can be in the form of a question ( s ) or statement .
§ Identify particular segments / dimensions / aspects of the study to be included .
§ Identify research reports and / or theories adding to the exploration of the problem or background information .