Although we have narrowed the target population to boys and men who have fled armed conflict or severe unrest to seek asylum in other countries , much of the information it provides and many of the responses it encourages can be useful to boys and men who have experienced sexual abuse in other contexts .
1.2 Sexual abuse of boys and men
Sexual violence against men and boys is far more prevalent than generally realised . For this reason , it is important to increase awareness among all who work , in school systems , health institutions , places of detention , barracks , care homes , and places of employment . A recent inquiry from the UK based on interviews with 5862 individuals exposed to sexual childhood abuse , reported that 29 % of the participants were boys and men . ( The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse , October 2022 .)
Sexual violence against boys and men in the context of war and migration is alarmingly high . A report by UNHCR in 2017 estimated that between 30 % and 40 % of all adult men imprisoned in Syria had been subjected to forms of sexual violence . It found that boys as young as 10 and men as old as 80 had been sexually assaulted . 6 A study by the All Survivors Project ( 2018 ) found that Syrian boys and men had experienced sexual violence both at the border crossing into Turkey and after their arrival . 7
Similarly , based on a qualitative study among aid workers and refugees in Italy , the Women ’ s Refugee Commission reported in 2019 that a high proportion of men and boys who had crossed the Mediterranean as migrants had been subject to gross sexual assault . 8 Save the Children Norway found in 2017 that children living in or connected to asylum reception centres were particularly exposed to violence and sexual abuse . 9
In 2022 , ICRC published a very relevant report on Sexual and gender-based violence against men , boys and LGBTIQ + people and the risk they are facing in humanitarian settings . “ That never happens here ”. Sexual and gender-based violence against men , boys and / including LGBTIQ + people in humanitarian settings . The report highlights the destructive impact and the prevalence of sexual gender based violence in groups often overlooked . (“ That never happens here ” Sexual and gender-based violence against men , boys and / including LGBTIQ + persons in humanitarian settings . ( 2022 ) The Norwegian Red Cross ( NorCross ) and ICRC .)
This manual refers to men and boys , including LGBTQI + persons . It is increasingly recognised that LGBTQI + persons are particularly at risk of sexual violence . However , their needs and experiences are seldom acknowledged when it comes to this type of human rights violation .
Difficulties in reporting partly explain why the international community has paid so little attention to this dimension of gender violence and has so far not taken steps to prevent it and support those affected . ( See section 3.7 .) But low awareness is also due to social attitudes to this expression of gender violence , and general attitudes to migrants and migration . We hope that this manual may be a step in the right direction .