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Actions a survivor can take during the day if he fears nightmares .
Get to know the bedroom . When he wakes up at night turn on the light , then , the survivor can more easily orient himself and establish that he is in his bedroom . In some places electric lights will not be available . Where this is the case , survivors can orient themselves by touching objects and listening for familiar sounds .
Do not take a nap after 3 p . m . Late afternoon naps can make it harder to sleep at night . During the day he should sleep for less than an hour .
Have the right daylight exposure . Daylight is the key to regulating daily sleep patterns . He should try to get out in natural daylight for at least 30 minutes every day .
Be physically active during the day . Exercise will naturally tire the body . However , the survivor should avoid being too active near bedtime . Sleep experts recommend not to exercise during the last three hours before bedtime ; the best time is usually late in the afternoon . Body temperature rises during exercise and takes as long as six hours to fall . It is important to allow time to cool down because lower body temperatures are linked to sleep .
Create routines or rituals before going to bed at night . The survivor should try to have a regular routine or ritual that he does every night before going to bed , a routine that feels good .
Avoid coffee , black tea , and other stimulants before bedtime . These drinks contain caffeine which can stimulate the body for 4-8 hours , making sleep more difficult .
Avoid smoking before bedtime . Nicotine is also a stimulant . Heavy smokers often sleep lightly and have less REM sleep . Some tend to wake up after 3 or 4 hours due to nicotine withdrawal ; they may find it necessary to smoke before bed .
Avoid alcohol before bedtime . One drink can help sleep , but more alcohol will cause the survivor to sleep more lightly and wake more often , and will also increase muscle activity .
If possible , avoid medications that delay or interfere with sleep . Some frequently prescribed heart , blood pressure and asthma medications , as well as some herbal remedies for coughs , colds or allergies , can interfere with sleep patterns . Survivors should consult their doctor about this .
Have a snack before bedtime . This can promote sleep . Foods that contain carbohydrates can help calm the brain and facilitate sleep . Sleep-promoting foods include bananas , warm milk , and whole grain foods . Large , high-fat meals at night should be avoided , because they interfere with sleep .
Sleep in a place that feels calm and safe . If complete darkness causes anxiety , the survivor should keep a dim night light on . To improve the feeling of security , it can also help to have a friend or family member stay in the room or in a nearby room . Relaxation exercises before bedtime relax the body , soothe the mind , and prepare the mind and body for sleep . If the survivor is religious , he might pray or meditate .
Avoid the news late at night . The news can be disturbing and may contain violent images that can cause bad memories and thoughts .
Avoid talking about traumatic events near bedtime . If a survivor is working on his trauma experiences , it is a good idea to do this in the middle of the day , to ensure that hyperactive and emotional reactions have time to dissipate .