Many individuals have contributed to this work . We particularly thank our collaborators who have shared their professional and personal experiences in order to make this manual relevant and useful to helpers .
MHHRI thanks everyone who participated in the pilots for their feedback , and all those who reviewed the draft . We particularly thank Robert Archer and Fairouz El Tom at Plain Sense for their valuable input and for editing and finalising the document . This manual was funded by the Dam Foundation in collaboration with the Norwegian Council for Mental Health and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation . We are most grateful to the staff of these organisations for their support , interest and confidence . Additional funding from Les Simm and “ I Fund Global ” made this English version possible .
We also thank colleagues , informants , Queer World , Reform , The Crisis Center Secretariat , Renovat Nzeyimana , Lucas Casanova , and all those who participated in ‘ The Invisibles ’ seminar that took place in Oslo on 17 November 2021 and in the first pilot seminar on 11 January 2022 . We also thank UMN and HimalPartner for partnering us in a second pilot event , in Nepal , in November 2022 .
This manual would not have been possible without generous backing and additional funding from the Norwegian Mental Health Project , which for many years has supported MHHRI and remains strongly committed to this manual and its objectives .
The text was prepared by a writing team composed of : Nora Sveaass ( responsible for the project ) Helen Christie Doris Drews Harald Bækkelund Sara Skilbred Fjeld Elisabeth Ng Langdal
Please refer to Appendix 3 for more information about the authors .